Youth Mental Health Workshops: Student Mental Wellness Training for Schools in Canada

Supporting Mental Wellness in Schools: Essential Workshops for Students

Youth Mental Health Canada
2 min readAug 18, 2024

In Canada, one in five young people under 30 faces a mental health challenge or disability. This reality means that in any classroom, workplace, or community event, nearly 20% of young people are dealing with issues that impact their ability to learn, grow, and realize their potential. To address these needs, Youth Mental Health Canada (YMHC) offers comprehensive youth mental health workshops, designed specifically for students from elementary to postsecondary levels, to support their mental wellness and equip them with essential coping skills.

Youth Mental Health Workshops: Student Mental Wellness Training for Schools in Canada

Why Youth Mental Health Workshops Are Vital

YMHC’s student workshops provide both virtual and in-person options tailored to meet the diverse needs of young people across Canada. The workshops cover a range of critical topics, from understanding mental health challenges to building resilience and creating a personal wellness action plan. These sessions are not only educational but also offer practical strategies to help students manage stress, develop emotional awareness, and foster supportive networks.

Popular workshops include:

  • Inside Out: Talking about Feelings and Coping Strategies (Kindergarten to Grade 4)
  • Creating a Personal Wellness Action Plan
  • Building Sources of Strength and Resilience
  • Social Emotional Learning: Self and Emotional Awareness
  • Building Personal and School Mental Wellness Protective Factors

Each workshop is designed to be interactive, engaging, and empowering, ensuring that students leave with actionable steps to improve their mental health. Additionally, the workshops emphasize the importance of creating an education support team and implementing school-wide strategies to foster a supportive learning environment.

Booking and Fees

YMHC’s student workshops are available for $500 per hour, with a special offer for the 2024–2025 school year: 20 printed “Sources of Support” booklets and a one-hour virtual workshop for $700, saving schools more than $300. To book a workshop, educators are encouraged to submit a request form at least two weeks in advance to ensure availability.

For more information or to book a workshop, visit the YMHC workshop booking page.



Youth Mental Health Canada

YMHC is a community-based non-profit organization focused on youth, family and community engagement for mental health education, support, advocacy and change.